Saturday 25 August 2018

Faster than a speeding bullet - it's SuperKingy!

Well I didn't think this shot was particularly special, but people seem to like it on Facebook, with over 200 'likes' over four hours in just one group alone.

I didn't even process it for posting with the other photos I took as I thought the image was too small and not very sharp.

Just goes to show that there's no accounting for taste!

All this attention has spurred me on to trying to get a better shot similar to this one but with a longer lens so that I don't need to crop it as much - this one was taken at 420mm but I can use up to 700mm next time.


This photograph got a 'notable' award on this week's BirdGuides 'Photo of the Week' and I've just been asked if it can be used in a 'Birds and Poems of the Water Meadows' presentation at

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