Monday 2 May 2011

NestCam Update

There are eight in the bed this bright and sunny morning and Kate has just popped out for breakfast with Wills.  Oops, now she's come back and she's making little squeaking noises whilst on the nest.  I wonder how many eggs she can sit on before she can't cover them all up?

The eggs seem to be different colours but I don't know if that's just a trick of the light or due to the camera and computer processing.  I'll have to look it up on t'internet.

Kate, the female Blue Tit, is now spending more time on the eggs during the day and so she is more likely to be there now when you view the live video feed from the nestcam.

BTW - here's a link to my favourite picture of Wills the male bird which I took in my garden this week.

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