Thursday 2 May 2019

Coming Soon ...

I'm off on my first ever trip to the Uists in the Outer Hebrides very early tomorrow morning, and I haven't had time to post my last three trips, which were:
  • Skye and the Uists
  • Leigh Peregrines
  • Pied Flycatchers at Padley Gorge in Derbyshire
  • Dotterel up on the Great Orme in North Wales
So I'll do this when I get back in a couple of week's time as well as my photos from the Uists.  But if you want to see the best of what I got from these three locations, head over to my 'Best of Geek' Flickr page where you'll find all the photos without the fuss!

Here's a taster of what's there:

I'm so excited I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight!

See you soon!

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