Thursday 30 May 2013

Grey Heron Over My Back Garden

A Grey Heron is seen quite quite frequently over our housing estate in Tyldesley, presumably looking for expensive fish in garden ponds.  Sometimes I see it on a neighbour's rooftop peering down into their back garden and occasionally over the rough ground on the edge of the former railway line where there is an ephemeral pond close to my feeding station.

But tonight it flew low down over my own back garden and I just happened to have my camera handy to get these shots.  Even though they're such a common bird, I love photographing Herons, both on the ground and in flight.  It's always a challenge to get some good eye and feather detail.

 I've got sharper Heron photos, but not taken flying low over my own back garden.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pictures. I too love seeing these beautiful birds.
    I live close to a loch and the heron has rested on a lamp post at the bottom of my garden. It seemed that the seagulls didn't like it though as they were attacking it.


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